Joan's Photos

Albert Beckingham & family about 1914

Albert BECKINGHAM b. 1878 & wife Eliza WASHBOURNE Married 1902 Albert born at Werham Farm near Marlborough Wilts.
is the brother of Joan's grandfather Albert Eli BECKINGHAM

My grandfather Alfred Eli BECKINGHAM 1875 - 1940 Emigrated to Australia 1911 Taken about 1899

Thelma BECKINGHAM & Ray SHADBOLT Married 1931 Western Australia My Aunty Thel is now aged 92

My Family in 1943 in Hay St Perth Ken & Daisy BECKINGHAM Diane in pram, Joan 'Stepping on the cracks'

Family picnic 1965. Joan left & only sibling Diane, right. with Joan's children Shelley b 1963 Trevor
b. 1957 Clayton b. 1961
Alex's Photos
... are on his personal web site.
Carlette's Photos

Kylers in 1945 at their 50th wedding anniversary Left to Right: Merville, Lester, Herman, Anna, Harold, Herbert, Russell.
Anna was Mary Jane Beckingham's daughter.
Simon's Photos

Back: Richard Davis, Edith Davis, Violet Front: Mary (Beckenham) Davis, Frances Davis, Stanley Davis
Albert's Photos

John Stacey and Elizabeth Beckingham (great-grandparents)